At TNB Theatre School we pride ourselves on offering our students a safe, fun and supportive environment where they can learn and develop their theatre skills. In order to ensure the best possible experience for TNB Theatre School parents and families we encourage all parents and students to familiarize themselves with our policies.
Please review these policies and email us if you have any questions.
TNB Theatre School Instructors
TNB Theatre School instructors are carefully vetted for qualifications as well as vulnerable sector background checks. Each instructor is provided with school policies, best practices, and guidelines for maintaining a positive learning environment.
Confidentiality & Privacy
We value the confidentiality of your child and family. All information gathered through registration, discussions with instructors, etc. will remain confidential. Information and testimonials gathered for marketing purposes will only be used with written consent. Group photos of your child in rehearsal or performance to be used for marketing purposes only where written consent has been given on the registration form. Parents will be contacted for further permission should we wish to use an individual photo of your child.
Inclusion & Accessibility
The Theatre School is committed to creating an inclusive & diverse community. We ask that guardians inform the Director/Instructor of any access needs your student might have in order to best communicate, learn and take part in our programming. This will allow instructors to ensure a safe and enjoyable theatre school experience. All conversations will remain confidential. The Theatre School has single-occupancy gender-inclusive washrooms.
Registrations for all Junior level programs at the TNB Theatre School open August 21.
CLICK HERE to download the registration form for our Fall Programs
CLICK HERE to download the registration form for our Adult Program.
1. Download Form
2. Complete the form (including credit card information and payment method indication)
3. Save As= Registration Form_Student Name
4. Email the form to theatreschool@tnb.nb.ca
Please note due to varying browser requirements, if you wish to submit the registration forms via email, we recommend downloading and saving the form to your computer first before entering any information.
Registration is based on a first-come-first-served basis.
Auditions will be booked on a first-come-first-served basis.
Class size is limited. Waitlists for each class will be available.
How to Audition:
Auditions are required for: Senior Acting & Senior Musical Theatre. Registration forms for these programs will be provided following the audition.
Auditions are booked on a first come, first served basis. A limited number of audition spots are available. After these spots are full, students will be placed on a waiting list.
Auditions are booked in 5 minute time slots. Students are asked to arrive early to complete the registration form.
2023 Audition Dates
Tuesday, September 5 5:30-8:30PM SMT Auditions
Wednesday, September 6 5:30-8:30PM SA Auditions
Audition Requirements:
Musical Theatre students are asked to prepare one short song (a verse and a chorus), any style.
Acting students are asked to prepare one short monologue (1 minute max.).
Please arrive 10 minutes early to complete the registration form.
Auditions will be held at the TNB Theatre School, 55 Whiting Road.
Email: theatreschool@tnb.nb.ca to book an audition. Include the student's name and audition day.
Auditions will be held at the TNB Theatre School, 55 Whiting Road.
Email: theatreschool@tnb.nb.ca to book an audition.
Audition Mission:
Auditions give students the opportunity to grow in confidence and learn how to select and prepare audition material, audition etiquette, and how to conduct themselves in a professional audition setting. Auditions also give new students the opportunity to see the school, meet and work with instructors, and get a general feel for the culture and curriculum of the theatre school before committing to joining.
Through working with each student during their audition time, instructors are able to assess the skills, interests, and learning styles of the incoming students. This allows them to begin selecting material and preparing personalized curricular goals on both a class and individual student basis.
Class Sizes and Wait Lists:
To ensure the highest quality teaching, each class has a strictly enforced class size. We believe these sizes ensure optimal focus and productivity, equal learning and performance opportunities, as well as allow for students to receive personalized programming and guidance from their instructors.
Due to demand for program spots, wait lists typically exist for all program levels. Students will be advised if they have been placed on wait lists. Wait-listed students could be called for enrollment until the third class of the program. A second class may be added if the waitlist for a class becomes long enough to allow us to run a second class.
Tuition Payment
A non-refundable deposit is included in the tuition price, and required to hold a spot in the class. Valid payment information is required upon registration. Full tuition payment is due by the first class for our semester long programs. For our full year long programs, payment will be processed in two installments at the beginning of each term: September 2023 & January 2024.
TNB accepts VISA, Mastercard and American Express, cheque or cash.
If you wish to use Debit, Visa Debit and Mastercard Debit, these are only accepted in person at our office. This service is available at the first class or by appointment.
HST is applicable for all students aged 15 and up and is not included in the fees.
Students registering for programs that require an audition are required to complete the registration form and payment information at the audition.
Refund Policy
Single Semester Programs (fall to winter/winter to spring): TNB offers a two-week grace period at the beginning of each program. Students withdrawing during these two weeks will receive a full refund less the $50 non-refundable deposit. After this grace period no refunds will be given.
Full Year Programs (fall to spring): In the case of full-year programs where payments are made in two installments at the beginning of each term, any student withdrawing from the program prior to the commencement of the second term will not be required to pay for the second term. Notice must be given two weeks in advance before the start of the second semester. If a student withdraws following the commencement of the second term no refunds will be given.
Summer Programs : Upon registering, you will be charged a non-refundable $25 deposit. Full tuition will be charged on the first day of camp. If you drop out on the first day you will receive a 50% refund. If you withdraw past this, no refund will be given.
In rare circumstances (serious illness or injury, death in the family, etc.), full or partial credit may be issued at the discretion of the Theatre School Director. Refunds will not be given in the case of students expelled for behaviour or excluded because of repeated absence.
A limited number of bursaries are available for eligible students. To apply for our bursary program, please email theatreschool@tnb.nb.ca with your request, students name and program or check the appropriate on your registration form.
TNB Theatre School offers a 25% discount for 3rd siblings.
Students enrolled in 2 or more classes in the same term receive a 15% discount on the second class.
Dress Code
Students are required to wear rehearsal clothing:
* black jazz shoes or indoor sneakers; outside footwear is not permitted in the studio
* sweat pants, shorts or tights
* T-shirt.
* Hair must be pulled back off face.
* No dangling jewelry or sharp rings;
* No jeans, dresses, skirts, flip-flops or bare / sock feet
* Students without rehearsal clothing will not participate in class activities.
Scent Policy
Students’ work at TNB Theatre School often involves close personal contact with other students and good personal hygiene is encouraged. However we value the health of students and staff and ask all students and instructors to avoid using fragrances or scented personal care products. Whenever possible, TNB will purchase products that are free from added fragrance.
Program Materials
Please bring a binder and a pencil to all rehearsals. All scripts and handouts should be kept in the binder. Also, students enrolled in our summer programs may wish to bring sunscreen, hats and sunglasses.
Labeling Belongings
In an effort to reduce the numerous items which end up in our lost and found, please label the inside of your child’s clothing, backpacks, binders, lunch bags and initial their water bottles.
Meals and Snacks
To ensure the health and safety of all our students, please bring nut-free snacks and meals. The kitchenette cannot accommodate students and is for staff use only. Please send lunches that do not need to be heated. Students wishing to eat meals away from the rehearsal venue are asked to bring written permission from a parent/guardian. In addition, please bring bottled water. TNB supplies a water cooler in the rehearsal hall, but in an effort to be “green” does not keep cups on hand.
Where to find us:
TNB Theatre School is based at 55 Whiting Road, Unit 31 (a 6 minute drive from downtown). GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 45.916226, Longitude: – 66.619235
Drive on the Lincoln Road as if you are heading to the airport. Turn right on Wilsey Road after the Irving. Turn right on Hilton Road. Turn left on Whiting Road. We are located at 55 Whiting Road.
Other venues:
TNB Theatre School uses other venues for productions and occasionally for rehearsals and classes. Changes to venue will be communicated to parents and students. The three most common alternate venues are:
* The Black Box Theatre, Sir James Dunn Hall, St. Thomas University
* The Fredericton Playhouse, 549 Queen Street.
* The Ville in The Gathering Place 241, 241 Canada St, Fredericton, NB
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend all rehearsals. Absence from even one rehearsal can have a large impact on the class, rehearsals and the productions. Students repeatedly absent from rehearsal without excuse may not be able to participate in the final presentation and may be dismissed from the Theatre School without warning and without a refund.
TNB Theatre School recognizes that illnesses occur outside of our control. If your student is sick, please keep them home and email the Theatre School Director to notify us of their absence.
TNB Theatre School recognizes family, education and performance obligations occur outside of TNB Theatre School programming. Permission for absence may be accommodated at the discretion of the Theatre School Director in the case of:
* Special family obligations (i.e. funerals, weddings, reunions)
* Select dress rehearsals performances (i.e. large high school productions)
* Educational obligations / opportunities
* Drama Festival and Music Festival
It is not guaranteed that all requests for absence for reasons above can be accommodated. Parents and students are requested to advise the Theatre School Director of any foreseen schedule conflicts at the beginning of term or as soon as they become apparent. Parents are also encouraged to communicate TNB Theatre School commitments to other activity leaders.
Exceptions will not be made for sporting events, birthday parties, other rehearsals, etc.
Drop-Off and Pick-up
We ask that you respect the following drop-off and pick-up times. Drop-off Window: No earlier than 20 minutes prior to the start of class. Pick-up: Immediately at conclusion of program day and no later than 10 minutes after conclusion of class. Our instructors will not leave the building until all students have departed; however, in respect to the company, and our instructors’ other commitments, please pick up your child promptly.
Early drop-off and late pick-up may be arranged at an additional fee of $10 per ½ hour per day. (This will depend on instructor availability). This must be arranged at least a week in advance. Repeated disregard of the drop-off and pick-up windows without advance notice may affect the consideration of the student from future enrolment.
Class Cancellations
TNB Theatre School reserves the right to cancel the class with the intention of rebooking later. An instructor illness will rarely cause a cancellation as every effort is made to bring in a substitute to cover the class.
In the case of inclement weather, the Theatre School Director will make every effort to make the decision on cancellation the night before and no later than 3 hours in advance of class start time. Cancellation decisions will be communicated via email, through social media (facebook & twitter) and on the TNB website: www.tnb.nb.ca.
Class cancellations and changes will also be posted on the TNB Theatre School Notice Board. Parents are encouraged to bookmark this page.
Please note: A public school cancellation does not necessarily mean a Theatre School cancellation except in the case of the Wednesday afternoon Junior Musical Theatre program.
Class Changes and Additions
Most programs require additional rehearsals as we approach performance/recording dates. We aim to communicate changes or additions of classes, changes in venue, etc. to parents directly one month in advance and no later than one week. This information will also be made available on the TNB Theatre School Notice Board.
Students are encouraged to:
*Have fun!
*Support each other.
*Have a positive attitude.
*Be on time.
*Be prepared! Students should arrive with the proper materials and in rehearsal clothing by the class start time.
*Listen to instructors.
*Be ready to learn.
Respect for the Space
TNB Theatre School shares its facilities with the other branches of TNB programming. In order to respect the staff, artists and shared space, students are asked to:
* Maintain quiet and calm on arrival and departure.
* Remove outdoor wear and foot wear upon arrival. Place boots on mats, hang up coats and place bookbags underneath.
* Close the door behind you when entering or leaving the studio space.
* Props tables are for props only. Props are not toys and should be handled only with permission of the instructor. Any props, furniture or set pieces used in class should be returned to the designated areas at the end of class.
* Washrooms are shared by students, staff and artists. Students should not leave any personal items in the washrooms.
Electronic Devices and Wi-Fi
IIn order to maintain a positive and focused learning environment cell phones, personal music players, cameras or other electronic devices must be put away and silenced during class time.
Theatre New Brunswick maintains a password-protected wireless network for staff use only. For their protection students will not be given the password to access this network.
Expulsion or Suspension
TNB Theatre School prides itself on maintaining a safe, positive and respectful environment. TNB Theatre School reserves the right to expel or suspend any student whose behavior is counter to these standards. Grounds for expulsion of suspension include but are not limited to verbal or physical abuse or willful damage of TNB property. In the case of a behavior-related expulsion no refunds will be given.
Communications with Parents
TNB Theatre School maintains ongoing, regular communication regarding our programs. On the first day of class, parents and students will receive a schedule of all dates for the entire program. Schedules for additional rehearsals, sectional rehearsals for upper levels and production schedules will be provided closer to production with as much notice as possible. We aim for one month in advance with the final schedule available no later than one week prior to the rehearsal period in question.
In addition to direct communication, notices will also be posted on the TNB Theatre School Notice Board.
Progress updates or program questions
Parents seeking progress updates on their child or wishing to express questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the Theatre School Director at tsinstructor@tnb.nb.ca.
TNB Theatre School students in professional work
As a training program for young artists, TNB Theatre School students occasionally have the opportunity to audition for professional work. In these cases the Director of the Theatre School will recommend select students for auditions in consultation with the project producer and / or director. Students are invited to audition based on appropriateness for specific roles and demands of the specific project. If a student is not selected for an audition it is not a reflection on the student’s ability or talent nor does it preclude them from consideration for future opportunities.
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